Although the language setting was changed on the client screen, the language was not changing on the buttons added to the list component. This problem has been fixed with this version.
While mail sending with "Send Mail" action, an error record of ".repx File not found" was being written to the XPODA_ERROR_LOGS table. This problem has been fixed with this version.
List queries are now no longer visible in the F12 elements tab.
It is now possible to make the fields within the grid active/passive or show/hide depending on the status of the document in the flow or the active user.
In this version, it is possible to create dynamic queries with $P in drop-down box queries within the Grid.
When Xpoda Client web design was used as an intranet, an "incorrect password" warning was received when logging in with the Xpoda Lite mobile application. This problem has been fixed with this version.
On Focus and On Blur actions added to the dropdown box tool in the Xpoda Lite mobile application were not working. This issue has been fixed with this version.
When Xpoda Lite application is accessed from an iOS device, the list and button elements overlap, and the page opened in an Open Form action opened with New Tab does not work properly. This version has fixed the problem.
If the client user password contained a "+" character, it was not possible to log in to the Xpoda Lite mobile application. This problem has been fixed with this version.
When we clicked on Open Form actions, a popup would open but would jump to the top of the page in the background. This version has fixed the problem.
In the Xpoda Lite mobile application, the "show and download" feature in the list component, the print action and the download action in the add file component were not working. This version has fixed the problem.
When the search action is given in the list, text expressions can be searched, but when searching for numeric values, a correct search could not be made. The list could not filter as it should. This problem has been fixed with this version.
The F10 icon was only visible in the textbox added to the open form-list action. This icon was not visible in other open form actions, but it worked with the F10 key on the keyboard. This icon was made to appear in the textbox when the keyboard input f10 was selected in all open form actions.
In Xpoda Studio query wizard, comment characters ( - / * ) used in queries were causing the query to work incorrectly. This issue has been fixed with this version.
While coloring in the list component, coloring was not working when there was a number in the field name. This problem has been fixed with this version.
Designs saved in the Html File field in Xpoda Assistant were not working in emails sent with the assistant. This version has fixed the problem.
Html designs should be located in the Xpoda Client/Uploads/Email folder.
It should be saved as designname.html in the Html File field in the Assistant.
When the print action was used with the preview feature turned off, an error was occured. This problem has been fixed with this version.
Modules with the same name could not be distinguished in the "Module" field in Open Form actions. With this version, IDs were added next to the modules.
When print designs were opened with the print action, the browser URL could be very long depending on the length of the data in the print. This caused a 414 error in response. This problem has been fixed with this version.
After filtering the buttons added to the list, there was an incorrect passive states for buttons filtered and the open form list action was not working when the button was opened from the menu in the list. This problem has been fixed with this version.
When the Open Form - Detail action is opened in New Tab, Same Tab and Right Panel, the detail information is not displayed. It is displayed only in New Window. This version has fixed the problem.
The "Files cannot be added" and "File cannot be deleted" actions were not working when added to the Add File tool. The issue has been fixed.
When filling in the UserTableID and FormTypeID fields in the Open Detail action, if there was a space next to them, the action was not working. If there was a space, an error was given during convert int. The problem has been fixed.
When more than one total condition was added to the Sub Total field of the list opened with Open Form List, instead of doing all the totals, it was doing only one. When more than one condition was added, the Text field was not visible and only the total of the first one was shown in the subtotal. The problem has been fixed.
After copying the project via Xpoda Studio, the project directions in the actions of the original project were changed to Project_Copy and an object object error was received. The problem has been fixed.
When any line in the Treelist tool was processed with the Remove line action, two lines were deleted. This problem has been fixed with this version.
When a value was wanted to be taken from the dropdown box without making a selection, the data was coming as $PFieldName. The $P usage was arranged to show an empty value when the dropdown content is empty.
When the graphic form tool was dragged to the form or deleted from the form, the cursor on the row was disappearing. The problem has been fixed.
When the list on the 2nd tab was updated according to the value selected from the tab, the list on the 2nd tab would appear and disappear momentarily under the form on the 1st tab. The problem has been fixed.
When the "Save" button among the ready buttons in the form properties was closed, the "Load CSV Data" ready button was not working either. The problem has been fixed.
The html button of the rich text tool in Studio was not available in the Client view. The html button was added.
In forms opened from the menu, if there was an open form mapping (mapping from a field in the list) in the button in the list, it would give an error. The page had to be refreshed to avoid giving an error. This version has fixed the problem.
The type of files added by e-mail listening via the assistant was recorded as the file name. For example, the test.pdf file attachment was recorded as test.test in the database. This version fixed the problem.
When users with admin authority logged in, the projectlist and userlist dropdown contents were completely taken while the admin panel (home/index) was loaded and it was affecting performance and memory usage. When there were a high number of users, it was consuming a lot of memory, which was a problem especially in mobile use.
With this version, the dropdown box where Client users were selected was removed and the autocomplete feature was used to select users.
The "Number of Locked Columns" Grid tool has been added to the list's properties.
Show Flow displays the flow chart to users by taking FlowID from the list and UserTableID, ProjectID, FormTypeID from the relevant form. Here, when there is more than one form report display status, projectID and FormTypeIDs had to be taken for each form with union all.
In order to save users from this query confusion, the list was arranged so that only FlowID would be sufficient.
Although the Add file form tool was deactivated, saved files could be deleted with the "X" button on the tool. This problem has been fixed with this version.